Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Business Leadership In It: What It Means

Many technological solutions are now providing businesses even greater operational efficiency. Technology has become such an integral part of modern companies that IT experts are taking critical leadership roles.

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While the core principles of good leadership are universal, there are additional tenets that better serve a leader in IT. The effective chief information officer or CIO embodies skills in strategy, innovation, and leadership.

IT leaders must understand the business and align its objectives with technological innovations. Good leaders also understand how best to manage systems and the team, and are equipped with communication skills to deploy people in managing the complex processes of IT effectively. They are problem solvers who are constantly on the lookout for innovations that serve the purpose of the company.

IT leaders are faced with additional challenges that are crucial to operations. These include the rapid change and advancements in IT, the complexity of the integration of systems and applications, the constant challenge to mitigate costs of innovation, cybersecurity, and decisions about outsourcing.

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Ram V. Charry has held various leadership roles in his career, including CEO and president of Multimedia Games Holding Company, Inc. and head of the technology division at Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. He also provided technology and outsourcing consulting for IBM Global Services. Visit this LinkedIn page to learn more.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Amidst The Competition: Why Hawaii Is Still a Relevant Holiday Destination

Thanks to social media, many tourist destinations have come out of nowhere to announce to the world that they are open for booking. This is a challenge for the world’s more traditional destinations. It is a wonder why even with so much competition out there, Hawaii has barely moved from its position as a tourist favorite. Here are some reasons this is so:
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To begin with, Hawaii has always been top of mind even before the internet’s widespread use. Tourism practices in Hawaii have been tested through time. Hawaiian hospitality is still the best in the world because this is a result of years upon tears of improving their craft.

Hawaii is still a place which boasts many of the best 5-star hotels in the world. It is already appealing that Hawaii has many well-preserved natural wonders. Having luxury service in such a paradise is something which not too many spots in the world can offer.

The Hawaiian islands have maintained their relevance by being a very family-oriented holiday destination. It is good for children in that is educational with its natural wonders of endemic animal species and continual volcanic activity. These have been sure hits among children for many generations.

Hawaii is also a premiere choice for making wedding proposals and celebrating honeymoons. This is to the delight of the world’s lovers and romantics, who dream of blue oceans and clear night skies which are a joy to walk under with their bright stars.

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Clearly Hawaii will never be threatened by the other vacation spots in the world. If anything, the rest of the world’s offerings might only provide the backdrop of a norm which Hawaii will only outshine.

Ram V. Chary is an icon in the corporate world, having held various leadership positions for several companies. Hawaii is Mr. Chary’s favorite travel destination. For more information about his work and other interests, follow this blog.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

No Money, No Problem: Smart Ways To Give Back To Charitable Causes

Monetary support is not be-all and end-all of charitable giving. While it is true that money goes a long way, people can still give back to their chosen institutions even if they are short on cash. Below are ways people can give back without breaking their savings account.

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Spend time doing volunteer work
A great and simple way to help a charity is by spending time working for the cause. Nonprofits need people who can help them spread their advocacy. While it is great that people can help with food drives and gift packing, most charities spend money on professional services like accounting, graphic design, and legal work. If these skills are something a cheerful giver is good at, they can give their services for free instead of giving cold cash.

Donate things that are no longer in use around the house
One’s “trash” can be another person’s treasure. Charities appreciate in-kind donations like clothes, books, and toys to name a few. These donations will give low-income families have something to wear, read, and play with.

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Be an organ donor
Many people die waiting for organ transplants every day. Even after one’s death, they can still make a difference by being an organ donor. A person’s donation can help up to eight lives.

Ram V. Chary is a business leader and a supporter of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Learn more about charitable giving and other similar topics by visiting this blog.

Monday, August 29, 2016

A Cut Above The Rest: Secrets Of Great Business Leaders

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Anyone can be a leader, but not everyone can be a great leader. While skills, educational attainment, and brilliance get an individual a good post, their leadership abilities do not come in handy. Here’s what great business leaders have that the others don’t. 

Self-awareness and consistency: Great leaders are aware of their strengths and weaknesses. They are also consistent with their decisions, values, and beliefs. They also ask for help when they know they can’t do certain tasks. 

Authenticity: A great leader does not have to be all happy and giddy when facing their members. They do not need to be overly emotional to get the sympathy of those around them. They just have to show their real selves when doing business. 

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Good communication skills: It is important for leaders to convey their message effectively to their workers. If they are not able to say it correctly, the whole team will have problems. They must be straight to the point, factual, and fast when it comes to expressing needs.

Positive attitude
Great leaders believe in their people. They do not focus on the bad but the good of those around them. When leaders trust their members, they end up being more productive and eager to deliver excellent work. 

Ram V. Chary is a business professional who has held different leadership posts in various companies. Read more about leadership and the latest business trends by following this Twitter page.

Monday, August 22, 2016

What People Should Know About Slot Machines

Millions upon millions of people frequent casinos every year. Some spend as long as days at the slots and any other machines where they can win. It has become a pastime for many Americans. Here are some things people should know about casino machines. 

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  • Slot machines use random number generators, which means there’s no way to cheat the system. 
  • Casino machines have many different names. The British call them fruit machines. The Scottish call them puggies. Australians sometimes call them slots or poker machines. 
  • The first slot machines had a single lever on its side. These were known as the one-armed bandits
  • A reel is the series of images that spins in front of the machine. Some slot machines have three reels, while others have five. 
  • Slot machines nowadays have levers and spin buttons. A common misconception is that using levers can help a person win more money. Although this is false, pulling the lever does help the person save more money. Using the lever is slower than pushing the spin button. Therefore less money is used and lost. 
  • The first gambling machine was made in 1891, and it was huge. It used five drums and had 50 card faces. The mechanics of the machine was quite like that of poker. Suffice to say, this ancestor of the slot machine was very popular. 
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Ram V. Chary served as the CEO and president of the CEO and president of Multimedia Games Holding Company, Inc., a company that manufactures gaming machines for casinos. Learn more about Mr. Chary and his professional credentials here.