Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Micromanagement: Creating a barrier for employees

Many times, an employee leaves a company because they don’t feel that they are growing. They look for other companies that offer substantial opportunities for professional growth and development.

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Ram Chary Everi believes that one of the biggest factors in the success of a business is keeping its employees. And by offering them ways to help them grow in their respective careers, the chances of them staying increase.

One of the most common mistakes that managers make that creates a barrier between employees and professional growth is micromanagement. Micromanagement occurs when managers delegate tasks to team members and refuse to leave them alone. The managers oversee the tasks right down to the last detail, much like helicopter parents.

Micromanagement affects employees and the workplace in general. With micromanagers around, the office becomes tense, and employees can become frustrated. The constant checking and interfering causes employees to question their skills and capabilities.

Micromanagement also leads to the depletion of trust between both manager and employees. The latter feels the company doesn’t think they can handle their job, let alone bigger responsibilities in the future. Hence, the barrier between them and their career growth.

This is why Ram Chary Everi firmly believes that while micromanagement may be used early on, as a method during training, once an employee finds their footing, they should be trusted to do the job. This kind of dynamic is the best way to retain employees, especially those with potentials.

Ram V. Chary Everi is a business professional. He held various leadership posts for companies such as Multimedia Games Holding Company, Inc., Fidelity National Information Services, Inc., First source Solutions Limited, and IBM Global Services. For similar reads, visit this blog.