Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Ram V Chary on the Details of Universal Basic Income

Ram V Chary Discusses: What is Universal Basic Income?

Image source: newyorker.com

In today's world, the concept of Universal Basic Income has become a popular topic of discussion. It is believed that such a system can help fight poverty and inequality while bringing economic stability to many countries across the globe.

 Ram V Chary, an expert on this subject, gives us a detailed insight into how this system works and its various intricacies. Universal Basic Income is seen by many as an innovative step towards building a more equitable society, providing a safety net to vulnerable populations, and enabling individuals to pursue their interests and enhance their skills. With its immense potential to transform the lives of millions, it is no surprise that it has captured the attention of policymakers, economists, and the general public alike.


If you don't know by now, universal basic income, or UBI, has recently become a hot topic. The problem, though, is that not everyone knows what it entails. So, what is universal basic income?


Image source: fpif.org

The short explanation is that UBI is a form of a social security system. Through it, a government will pay its citizens a standard salary if they, the citizens, meet certain conditions. These conditions vary from country to country. Some conditions may even be as simple as living in that country. The objective of a UBI system is to protect everyone from poverty and provide necessities, such as food and shelter.


At the beginning of July 2018, a Swiss campaign committee gathered 125,000 signatures, pushing for a referendum on basic income. On the other hand, in Asia, specifically South Korea, the government has been looking into implementing UBI in the not-so-distant future. The South Korean government hopes that this measure will help solve poverty and unemployment problems in the country.

In the United States, UBI is known as a stipend. It is a fixed sum of money regularly paid to a person for support. For example, the government may give each citizen $500 every month.


According to Ram V Chary, the most important aspect of universal basic income is that it won't discriminate based on race, sex, age, or social status. That makes this policy stand out and is one of the main reasons for increasing support in many countries.


What do you think about UBI? Do you think it will benefit you?


Thank you for reading.

Click here for more insights from Ram V Chary.

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