Monday, November 18, 2019

Break the boredom at work with these routine changes

Feeling listless in the office is not always because there's nothing to do. Sometimes the monotony can cause a person to feel unfulfilled and unproductive. As a leader with many years of experience in the workforce, Ram Chary Everi shares that changing one's routine can be the push one needs to regain motivation. Here are some changes office workers can incorporate in their routine to make the most out of their time.

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Spend time away from stress-inducing areas

Just the sight of one's workstation can sometimes make a person feel stressed even without starting on tasks. Employees may request from their managers for some time away from their usual area. Whether it's a nearby coffee shop, a co-working space, a home office, or a hidden area in the department, allowing employees to get a change of scenery at least for a few hours a week can boost their productivity and motivation to give their best efforts.

Engage in physical activity

Sitting around for the majority of the day is not really beneficial for the mind and body. Doing a midday stretch or standing up and walking around for five minutes every two hours are simple steps that can refresh the mind. According to Ram Chary Everi, light physical activity can set the mind up to focus better on tasks. Simple group dynamics that require the team to move around will ease physical and emotional tension.

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Set the stage for collaboration

Working with others can boost a person's motivation to work. Collaborating will lead to faster and better output. Sometimes shaking up the routine and tapping on others to find solutions can be enough to break the monotony. This will not boost just one person but can also tighten the team's dynamics.

Ram Chary Everi is a business professional who has worked for multinational companies where he served in various leadership position such as CEO, executive vice president, and technology division head. For more related reads, visit this page.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Establish authority at work with these strategies

It's not easy to be a leader in the workplace. As the responsibilities and tasks pile up, it can also be tough to get the whole team on the same page. But for business and IT leader Ram Chary Everi, though it can be difficult, being in a position of authority can also be rewarding. For those who are still struggling with being a leader, here are a few tips that will help them manage a team with confidence.

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Understand what higher position entails

Some leaders are reluctant to own their roles because this means having the last say when it comes to many things in the office. However, their hesitance can come off as carelessness and might diminish the respect their members have for them. Being familiar with what their position entails in its entirety will help them face their members, peers, and superiors with credibility.

Communicate clearly

In the workplace, employees hang on to their superiors' directions. If something gets lost in the conversation, they're usually the first ones to suffer. Ram Chary Everi suggests that Instead of beating around the bush, it would be better for leaders to get straight to the point with their directives. Putting it in writing is also necessary to have a visual reminder of what needs to be done.

Keep emotions in check

Some leaders seem to lose the respect of their employees when they do something unprofessional because of their anger or disappointment. Shouting, throwing objects, or verbally abusing employees will never be acceptable. Though there are times when the tension is high, a good leader must always take control of their words and emotions. This shows their professionalism. Before calling out employees in anger, leaders must take the high road and carefully consider what they have to say. Influential leaders show their emotions without using it to disrespect others.

Ram Chary Everi is a business professional who has worked for multinational companies where he served in various leadership position such as CEO, executive vice president, and technology division head. For more on his interests and hobbies, visit this page.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Micromanagement: Creating a barrier for employees

Many times, an employee leaves a company because they don’t feel that they are growing. They look for other companies that offer substantial opportunities for professional growth and development.

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Ram Chary Everi believes that one of the biggest factors in the success of a business is keeping its employees. And by offering them ways to help them grow in their respective careers, the chances of them staying increase.

One of the most common mistakes that managers make that creates a barrier between employees and professional growth is micromanagement. Micromanagement occurs when managers delegate tasks to team members and refuse to leave them alone. The managers oversee the tasks right down to the last detail, much like helicopter parents.

Micromanagement affects employees and the workplace in general. With micromanagers around, the office becomes tense, and employees can become frustrated. The constant checking and interfering causes employees to question their skills and capabilities.

Micromanagement also leads to the depletion of trust between both manager and employees. The latter feels the company doesn’t think they can handle their job, let alone bigger responsibilities in the future. Hence, the barrier between them and their career growth.

This is why Ram Chary Everi firmly believes that while micromanagement may be used early on, as a method during training, once an employee finds their footing, they should be trusted to do the job. This kind of dynamic is the best way to retain employees, especially those with potentials.

Ram V. Chary Everi is a business professional. He held various leadership posts for companies such as Multimedia Games Holding Company, Inc., Fidelity National Information Services, Inc., First source Solutions Limited, and IBM Global Services. For similar reads, visit this blog.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The five transformational leadership skills you should apply in the workplace

Transformational leadership hits the core of workplace operations. It is geared toward better profitability, but also help make employees feel more satisfied with their jobs.

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Accountability and responsibility are two key qualities of a transformational leader. In addition, here are five skills leaders need to apply in their workplaces:

Leaders must be confident in pushing their teams out of their comfort zone. While leaders want their team to excel consistently, they could be hindering their growth by forcing them to do tasks that fit their box of skills. Ram V. Chary suggests that leaders encourage employees to grab opportunities that would broaden their horizons and improve their competence in other areas. Providing a level of transparency in this day and age is a skill. It’s human nature to refrain from discussing personal matters, but offering a kind of openness to employees can boost the morale in the workplace.

Listening is always a top skill in any kind of leadership. Be open and attentive whenever an employee approaches with a bunch of questions and concerns. When a leader takes time to listen to their employee’s woes, it means they genuinely care.

For Ram V. Chary, setting a good example can be challenging, but extremely rewarding. Transformational leaders are like role models to their employees. Being a positive example can drive employees to do better and produce excellent results just like their leader. Showing commitment and dedication inspires the same qualities in employees.

Business professional Ram V. Chary had served in various leadership positions such as CEO, executive vice president, and technology division head. For quick updates, follow Ram V. Chary on Twitter.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Delegate tasks effectively with these strategies

Assigning tasks to the team can be a challenge. Delegation is a crucial step for conscientious leaders who want to bring out the best in everyone as the team works toward a common goal. As someone who took on various leadership positions in business and IT, Ram Chary Everi has learned various strategies that might help leaders give the right work to the right people. Here are some of them:

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Let team members find their role in the big picture

Sometimes, employees become so engrossed in their own tasks that they forget their contributions to a bigger plan. Letting them know about all the skills involved and all the phases of the project might help them find where they can give their best. Leaders, on the other hand, must also be aware of their members' expertise to give them work that matches their abilities.

Be clear about requirements and priorities

When delegating tasks, leaders should be clear in giving instructions and communicating expectations. In many cases, employees actually have the skills but are unaware of what exactly they need to deliver. For leaders like Ram Chary Everi, checking on the progress and reminding members of the priorities from time to time will keep everyone on the same page.

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Revise the assignments, if needed

Sadly, a lot of leaders think delegation is done once tasks have been assigned. However, it's better to change the assignments early on instead of letting a mismatch affect the rest of the team's progress.

Make sure members are up to the task

Leaders must ensure that their members acknowledge their responsibilities. Accountability and transparency are important to build trust within the team.

Ram Chary Everi is a business professional who has worked for multinational companies where he served in various leadership positions such as CEO, executive vice president, and technology division head. For more on his interests and hobbies, visit this page.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Why is football such an amazing spectator sport?

American football is perhaps the country’s most watched sport. In fact, more people tune in to the Superbowl than a presidential inauguration. You could boil everything down to the love of the sport, state-wide support for favorite teams, and everything else that goes on in the sidelines. According to avid football fan Ram V. Chary, you can ask a dozen football fans why they love the sport and you could get a dozen different answers. Here are some of the popular reasons football fetches such amazing spectatorship.

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Local Pride

Football teams bring in a lot of hype for their town. Besides entertainment, they also bring in business as football matches in the college leagues as well as the NFL attract thousands of patrons per game. The local team doesn’t play just to get paid or to win, but to win on behalf of and for their hometown.


Over the years, rivalries have arisen between teams in different football leagues. From local leagues comprised of nearby high schools in the state to NFL teams, rivalry brings forth drama and drums up interest in any match.

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A Physical Sport

While other sports such as basketball or boxing are also considered contact sports, football can be considered one of the most physical-intensive sports in the country. Why else would players need heavy proper gear during the match? For some viewers, there’s nothing more beautiful than a tackle that sends another player flying.

Fantasy Leagues

Because not everyone can become coaches, fans often resort to fantasy leagues as a form of entertainment. According to Ram V. Chary, having a fantasy league in your pocket increases fan investment in players during real matches.

Ram V. Chary has a degree in economics from the University of Colorado and a master’s degree in finance and operations management from the Krannert School of Management at Purdue University. Outside of work, he likes playing golf and watching football. Learn more about his other interests by following this Twitter account.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Being present: A crucial skill for today’s leaders

It seems that the 21st century leader always has several tasks lined up. While many have mastered the art of multitasking, there are still those who need to hone their focus to give their one hundred percent on the job. These days, learning to be present is a much-needed skill in the workplace. Here are some ways to develop being in the moment:
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Listen first, comment later

Good leaders stay on top of everything within their sphere of influence. In his many years in the industry, Ram Chary Everi has held different responsibilities that maximized his abilities in business and IT. To be in the moment, one must first listen, without prejudice, to what their colleagues and subordinates are saying. Doing this will help one understand not just the words but also the actions and feelings of the person speaking. Paying attention will lead to improved communication and more specific solutions.

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Try single-tasking

Ram Chary Everi’s industries—IT and business— thrive on quick solutions and efficient processes. In these fast-paced sectors, sometimes it’s easy to assume that multitasking is the sure way to get everything done. Though single-tasking may seem counterproductive in today’s highly-connected world, this might just be the solution for people who are feeling overwhelmed and unmotivated. Focusing on one task will help them internalize the “why” behind the things they need to accomplish. Dedicating hours or even days working towards reaching one goal will help them develop efficient methods that will lead to better results. Instead of spreading themselves too thin, these focused, single-tasking leaders end up increasing multiple skills.

Being present allows a leader to serve others well while producing high-quality work. In a competitive workplace, being in the moment allows a leader to be more confident in performing their role.

Ram Chary Everi is a business professional who has worked for multinational companies in various leadership position such as CEO, executive vice president, and technology division head. For more on his interests and hobbies, visit this page.