Monday, August 29, 2016

A Cut Above The Rest: Secrets Of Great Business Leaders

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Anyone can be a leader, but not everyone can be a great leader. While skills, educational attainment, and brilliance get an individual a good post, their leadership abilities do not come in handy. Here’s what great business leaders have that the others don’t. 

Self-awareness and consistency: Great leaders are aware of their strengths and weaknesses. They are also consistent with their decisions, values, and beliefs. They also ask for help when they know they can’t do certain tasks. 

Authenticity: A great leader does not have to be all happy and giddy when facing their members. They do not need to be overly emotional to get the sympathy of those around them. They just have to show their real selves when doing business. 

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Good communication skills: It is important for leaders to convey their message effectively to their workers. If they are not able to say it correctly, the whole team will have problems. They must be straight to the point, factual, and fast when it comes to expressing needs.

Positive attitude
Great leaders believe in their people. They do not focus on the bad but the good of those around them. When leaders trust their members, they end up being more productive and eager to deliver excellent work. 

Ram V. Chary is a business professional who has held different leadership posts in various companies. Read more about leadership and the latest business trends by following this Twitter page.

Monday, August 22, 2016

What People Should Know About Slot Machines

Millions upon millions of people frequent casinos every year. Some spend as long as days at the slots and any other machines where they can win. It has become a pastime for many Americans. Here are some things people should know about casino machines. 

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  • Slot machines use random number generators, which means there’s no way to cheat the system. 
  • Casino machines have many different names. The British call them fruit machines. The Scottish call them puggies. Australians sometimes call them slots or poker machines. 
  • The first slot machines had a single lever on its side. These were known as the one-armed bandits
  • A reel is the series of images that spins in front of the machine. Some slot machines have three reels, while others have five. 
  • Slot machines nowadays have levers and spin buttons. A common misconception is that using levers can help a person win more money. Although this is false, pulling the lever does help the person save more money. Using the lever is slower than pushing the spin button. Therefore less money is used and lost. 
  • The first gambling machine was made in 1891, and it was huge. It used five drums and had 50 card faces. The mechanics of the machine was quite like that of poker. Suffice to say, this ancestor of the slot machine was very popular. 
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Ram V. Chary served as the CEO and president of the CEO and president of Multimedia Games Holding Company, Inc., a company that manufactures gaming machines for casinos. Learn more about Mr. Chary and his professional credentials here.