Wednesday, May 26, 2021

All the reasons leaders have to be humble

In a world where achievements are all too often regarded weightier than exceptional qualities, finding humble leaders can be challenging. However, leaders who are humble, teachable, charismatic, and emergent usually stand out and are easy to spot in a crowd of individuals seeking a leadership post.

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Leaders who display humility are quick to notice and appreciate great work. They make it a point to promote and acknowledge others who are excellent in what they do, according to business professional Ram Chary Everi. Humility does not negate a person's competence; instead, it elevates it in manners that stubbornness and arrogance fail to do. For a workplace to be conducive to growth, improvement, and excellence, a leader must be collaborative. Maintaining an environment that thrives in collaboration requires a leader who is humble, receptive to correction, and welcomes feedback.

Whenever humility is displayed, humanity is seen. Humanity is a vital leadership characteristic that is evident in genuine individuals. It allows for a balanced authority and confident leadership. Humble leaders cultivate a culture that is huge on gratefulness. This quality can only be evident when a leader is humble and is ready to acknowledge and appreciate their team members' wins, whether these are small or big ones.

For Ram Chary Everi, embodying humility allows a leader to value every person's contribution to the team. Those who lead with a gentle spirit can uphold diversity and inclusion in their team. Humble leaders and the team they manage are often grateful than proud of their achievements.

Ram Chary Everi has led various executive positions in the past, including as CEO and president of Multimedia Games Holding Company, Inc., executive vice president of Global Commercial Services, and head of the technology division at Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. Head over to this blog for similar posts.