Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Ram V Chary: The Best Leaders Recognize True Effort


Ram V Chary: Why Leaders Need to Appreciate Effort

According to Ram V Chary, some people put a ton of effort into their work. It's a shame, though, that many times, they're surprised to find that they receive little to zero recognition for it. If you're frustrated because you're working hard and getting nowhere, then this could be your problem.
Effort recognition from executives, managers, and supervisors is essential to developing a productive work environment. In order to motivate team members to continue achieving desired results, acknowledging their hard work is necessary. A good business leader understands that a well-timed "thank you" or celebration of a successful project can go a long way toward building a strong sense of loyalty and morale among employees.

Even if somebody doesn't accomplish everything they set out to do, simply working hard should be noticed and applauded by the people who manage them. If a person is willing to work harder than they have to, then they deserve both the attention and the appreciation. Even if their work isn't perfect, a lot of effort usually means that a person will continue to improve over time.

While there's no guarantee as to what might happen in the future, working hard makes it more likely that a person will achieve their goals. Without this extra Effort, they'll probably end up quitting halfway or languishing in less important tasks, never to be noticed by anybody about how good they could actually be.

Business leaders should never forget to recognize hard work. Not doing so could make a lot of people lose faith in themselves and the company and give up trying. They may even start going through the motions or, worse, look for shortcuts because they feel it's a waste of time to try anything hard or ambitious.

If somebody is doing their best, then it means that they're willing to learn new skills and get better at what they're doing. Ram V Chary adds that this could very well lead to better things for the company.

Learn more about Ram V Chary and how to properly be a leader in business, click here.