Monday, August 14, 2023

Ram V Chary on the Advantages of Active Listening

Ram V Chary: Better Listening Equals Better Management

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According to Ram V Chary, listening to other people, especially the right kind of listening, which is active listening, is an important business skill. It has often been said there is a difference between hearing and listening. That is true. Regardless of how overused that statement may be, it does not lessen the truth of the statement. Successful entrepreneurs are the ones who can effectively listen to people.

There are two ways to apply this for better income generation. The first is listening to partners and employees. As a business grows and develops, Ram V Chary says that it is likely that the entrepreneur will not have full access to the goings-on of their employees. It is key that upper management still fully understands what is happening at the ground level.

Remember that this is not the same as micromanagement, but concern and appreciation of every aspect of business management. The simplest way to achieve this is by listening to trusted partners on each company level. From these discussions, better plans can be formulated, explains Ram V Chary.

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Business management is more than just making effective decisions. The most successful managers also have a keen understanding of trends and forecasts. They know how to adapt to estimates, finding the perfect balance between tried and true practices and fresh ideas. But the key to achieving this balance isn't just being clever or resourceful. It's about listening. Truly successful managers take the time to actively listen to the insights and perspectives of everyone on their team - from the newest intern to the senior stakeholders - and use that information to make informed decisions and adapt appropriately.

However, it is important to note that this requires a certain amount of business acumen. It is easy to get inundated with the amount of information and advice given. Additionally, Ram V Chary mentions that since the adaptation is based on hearsay, entrepreneurs must listen with caution and curiosity.

Listening, especially active listening, is a very important skill that a trusted business coach or consultant can teach.

Can you think of other advantages active listening entails? Ram V Chary has written a series of blogs on business and management. Click on this link to access his posts.