Friday, June 14, 2019

Delegate tasks effectively with these strategies

Assigning tasks to the team can be a challenge. Delegation is a crucial step for conscientious leaders who want to bring out the best in everyone as the team works toward a common goal. As someone who took on various leadership positions in business and IT, Ram Chary Everi has learned various strategies that might help leaders give the right work to the right people. Here are some of them:

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Let team members find their role in the big picture

Sometimes, employees become so engrossed in their own tasks that they forget their contributions to a bigger plan. Letting them know about all the skills involved and all the phases of the project might help them find where they can give their best. Leaders, on the other hand, must also be aware of their members' expertise to give them work that matches their abilities.

Be clear about requirements and priorities

When delegating tasks, leaders should be clear in giving instructions and communicating expectations. In many cases, employees actually have the skills but are unaware of what exactly they need to deliver. For leaders like Ram Chary Everi, checking on the progress and reminding members of the priorities from time to time will keep everyone on the same page.

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Revise the assignments, if needed

Sadly, a lot of leaders think delegation is done once tasks have been assigned. However, it's better to change the assignments early on instead of letting a mismatch affect the rest of the team's progress.

Make sure members are up to the task

Leaders must ensure that their members acknowledge their responsibilities. Accountability and transparency are important to build trust within the team.

Ram Chary Everi is a business professional who has worked for multinational companies where he served in various leadership positions such as CEO, executive vice president, and technology division head. For more on his interests and hobbies, visit this page.

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